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Girl Scout Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

Mar 12, 2021

If you're like me, then you found yourself with a lot of cookies lying around your house this year.

This year I was thrilled to purchase my cookies from Girl Scouts NYC. For anyone who hasn’t heard, Troop 6000 is a Girl Scout program specially designed to serve girls in the New York City Shelter System.

The rules to making Girl Scout Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches is that there are no rules! Whether you use ice cream, sorbet, dairy-free or is the limit to these decadent desserts. 

This also happens to be a kid-friendly activity if you’re looking for some edible entertainment so round up the little ones for some family fun!

Plate with assorted Girl Scout Cookie ice cream sandwiches

Tips to Make:

  • Skip the ice cream scoop and just use a dinner spoon
  • Let the ice cream soften a bit before you scoop, unless it's sorbet which you’ll want to scoop and assemble right away
  • Use the backside of the spoon to smooth the edges around the cookie
  • If you have parchment paper, lay ice cream sandwiches on parchment paper on the freezer shelf. If not, a paper towel will work fine
  • Make small batches- I found that eating them within 15 minutes of freezing gave the perfect consistency that wasn’t too hard

My Ice Cream Cookie Combinations:

  • Somas + Talenti Madagascan Vanilla Bean
  • Trefoils + Talenti Madagascan Vanilla Bean with Rainbow sprinkles 
  • Thin Mints + Talenti Medeterranean Mint
  • Trefoils + Talenti Strawberry Hisbiscus Dairy Free Sorbet
  • S’mores + Talenti Madagascan Vanilla Bean 

In the words of Cookie Monster, Nom, Nom, Nom!