Christmas time may look a little different this year, but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy activities at home! There are so many activities you can do with your family to keep the Christmas spirit alive during these tough times. Check out some activities below:
Gingerbread Houses
I remember making Gingerbread houses in school every year for Christmas and it was a day I looked forward to every year. The best thing about them is that you can easily make them at home too! Grab all the ingredients you need (opens in new tab) at Bravo, or order a kit online. No matter how you do it, you and your family will have a blast!
*Feeling extra creative? Try these full-size Cardboard Gingerbread houses (opens in new tab) that your kids can play in.
Hanging Christmas lights
I know it may sound weird to say, but putting up Christmas lights is such a great way to connect with your family, do a fun activity with them, and maintain the Christmas spirit! Some people may be weary about putting up lights this year, but try to continue that tradition if you can! I always look forward to putting up the lights on, and in, my house every single year.
Make your own Ornaments
Another fun activity you can do with your children is making your own Christmas ornaments! Not only is it fun and exciting in the moment, it creates everlasting memories that will stay with your family from generation to generation. Below are just some ideas of different ornaments you can create. If you want, get creative and think of your own! Or let your kids design one all by themselves. The more unique and sentimental the better.
Peppermint Christmas Slime
Being one of the most popular kids activities over the last year or two, slime is a great activity to do with your children! Try out this festive Peppermint Christmas Slime (opens in new tab) that your kids will enjoy and be able to play with all holiday season! (Hey, it's even fun for the adults)
There are so many more activities to choose from that you can easily find on Google. Don't limit yourself to the ones highlighted in this blog. Use them as inspiration, find others... but most importantly, enjoy the time with your family this holiday season.