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Talenti Cookies and Cream No-Bake Pie

PREP TIME: 20 MINUTES FREEZING TIME: 2 HOURS SERVINGS: 8-10 Ingredients Crust 24 oreos, additional for...
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Cap'n Crunch's 60th Birthday Giveaway

You could win big during the Cap'n's 60th birthday giveaway! Simply buy any Cap'n Crunch product, then enter the UPC... Read

Fun Easter At-Home Crafts

Easter is almost here! We know that it may be hard to celebrate with your whole family like usual, but that doesn't mean you... Read

Christmas At-Home Activities

Christmas time may look a little different this year, but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy activities at home!... Read

Quarantine Tailgating

Tailgating at sporting events is an American pastime. There’s really nothing better than parking outside of the stadium... Read

Mushroom Tacos

These tasty marinated mushroom tacos are the perfect combination of sweet and savory to whip up for #meatlessmonday, #tacotuesday... Read

Toddler Mommin’ Aint Easy

Being a mom means you have to dig deep every day to tap into those multi-tasking superpowers. But if I had to name the one thing... Read