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Talenti Cookies and Cream No-Bake Pie

PREP TIME: 20 MINUTES FREEZING TIME: 2 HOURS SERVINGS: 8-10 Ingredients Crust 24 oreos, additional for...
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Awesome Juicy Juice® Recipes

When you think of Juicy Juice, I'm sure the first thing that comes to your mind is the kids drink in the forever iconic... Read

Simple Stuffed Peppers

Stuffed peppers are one of the simplest, and most delicious, dishes you can make. The balance between the savory stuffing and the... Read

Mushroom Tacos

These tasty marinated mushroom tacos are the perfect combination of sweet and savory to whip up for #meatlessmonday, #tacotuesday... Read

Making the Perfect Poached Egg

Remember these steps: Make sure you’re using fresh eggs. Fresh eggs have a thicker white near the yolk that will... Read

Toddler Mommin’ Aint Easy

Being a mom means you have to dig deep every day to tap into those multi-tasking superpowers. But if I had to name the one thing... Read

How to Clean your Produce

While it is hard to pinpoint exactly what causes some of the outbreaks, the most agreed upon way of reducing the risk of these... Read

Keep those bugs away with these DIY Bug Spray Recipes

Homemade Bug Spray with everyday ingredients: Spray Bottle (repurpose something from your recycling bin) 30 drops of... Read

Shopping on a Budget

Meal plan. If you go to the store without a plan, you are already off to a bad start. Spend some time thinking about what... Read

DIY Summer Activities for you and your family

We know this summer looks a little different than past summers, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it! Even if... Read